Answer the form on the website until February 20th.
It contains questions to determine your intention when you apply as well as contact information. In the end, it also requires the submission of a CV.
It consists in solving a technological case study.
This will evaluate not only reasoning ability, but also teamwork.
The interview is composed of several questions, which aim to determine the candidate’s profile, interests, reasons for applying to JUNITEC and type of tasks he/she would like to perform.
JUNITEC has no restrictions regarding the year. As long as you are enrolled at IST, you can always apply.
Usually JUNITEC recruitment periods take place at the beginning of each semester, but you can always submit a spontaneous application.
JUNITEC is proud to have a multidisciplinary team that includes members from all courses without any restrictions.
If you don’t know which department is right for you, apply for all the ones you think are most relevant and tell us at the interview. Depending on your performance in the different recruitment phases, and the number of vacancies there are for each department, we can then choose the best one for you together!
No, at JUNITEC we do not have a fixed schedule. However, we are motivated by the fulfilment of our tasks and objectives, within a defined deadline, and we are driven by the commitment to finish them.
No. Our motivation is not remuneration. We are rewarded for our work through the experience and knowledge gained, as well as the contacts and connections made during our presence at JUNITEC.
Recruitment is now CLOSED.
Answer the form on the website.
It contains questions to determine your intention when you apply as well as contact information. In the end, it also requires the submission of a CV.
It consists in solving a technological case study.
This will evaluate not only reasoning ability, but also teamwork.
The interview is composed of several questions, which aim to determine the candidate’s profile, interests, reasons for applying to JUNITEC and type of tasks he/she would like to perform.
JUNITEC has no restrictions regarding the year. As long as you are enrolled at IST, you can always apply.
JUNITEC recruitment periods take place at the beginning of each semester.
JUNITEC is proud to have a multidisciplinary team that includes members from all courses without any restrictions.
If you don’t know which department is right for you, apply for all the ones you think are most relevant and tell us at the interview. Depending on your performance in the different recruitment phases, and the number of vacancies there are for each department, we can then choose the best one for you together!
No, at JUNITEC we do not have a fixed schedule. However, we are motivated by the fulfilment of our tasks and objectives, within a defined deadline, and we are driven by the commitment to finish them.
No. Our motivation is not remuneration. We are rewarded for our work through the experience and knowledge gained, as well as the contacts and connections made during our presence at JUNITEC.
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